Phone: 706-547-2063


Degrees and Certifications:

2008 Paine College - Bachelor's of Arts in Sociology 2010 Augusta University- Master's of Arts in Teaching 2012 Georgia Institute of Cosmetology- Masters in Cosmetology 2018 Georgia College and State University- Educational Leadership, Tier II 2019 Georgia College and State University- Teacher Leadership Reading/ Math Endorsement Coaching and Teacher Support Endorsement

Ms. Rachel Simpkins

Grade / Title: Instructional Coach - Math

Teaching Experience: This is my 15th year of teaching. I've taught pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and Read 180/ System 44. 

Hometown: I was born and raised here in Wrens, GA. I was educated here at Wrens Elementary, then went to Wrens Middle and graduated from Jefferson County High School in 2003. GO WARRIORS! 

Hobbies: I love crafting, shopping, and traveling. 

Family Life: I have two adorable sons, Corbin who is 6 years old, and Cree, who is 2 years old. They keep me busy because they both love being outdoors.  I love being their mom because every day I know a new adventure awaits.