Phone: 706-547-2063


Degrees and Certifications:

Augusta College – B.M. Degree, Music with a minor in Education Piano as primary instrument The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary – 1st Degree -M.C.M. (Masters of Church Music) 2nd Degree – MDiv. (Masters of Divinity) in Theology/Education/Pastoral Care and Counseling Indiana Wesleyan – 30 hours for Rank 1 Bellarmine University – MAT in primary education

Ms. Shirley Palmer

 I am starting my 10th year at WES.

Even though I started out as a music teacher, I have really enjoyed the last three years in kindergarten. I get excited watching students grow in their core content areas. My favourite subject is reading, because reading can take you to places you have never been.                       

 I am a Cat Mom to Addie, Precious, and Dory. My happy places are Tybee Island and Savannah.